Sunday, April 20, 2014

A walkabout with my Olloclip

First post in a very long time. 
I love Spring, new grass, new buds, old stuff still on the ground waiting to be cleaned up. The fresh clean smell after a rain, the heavy, warm smell of dirt, when I dig it up to plant something pretty. The warm heat of the sun on my skin, and the cool breeze that comes with the blowing wind. It's just the best season of the year for me, not too hot, not too cold. Ripe with possibilities, growth and life.
Take a look at a few things I found in my yard.

Saturday, November 2, 2013


have been totally neglecting my blog, which seems pretty much the norm right now. I've never been very good at it, which might have something to do with me not having many followers, and that's okay, really. 
I thought I might try to do a post from my phone, and I'll just post my #projectlife365 month of September, let's see how this goes.


Monday, September 2, 2013

Linked 2013 - Everyday Life

Everyday life around here is pretty ho-hum, I sort of feel like I have lost my purpose in life now that my kids have left home to live their own lives, even though Andy is back in Minnesota and living with us. I really can't say it counts, because he is only staying until he gets caught up a bit, he stays in the new room downstairs and I rarely ever see him because he works so late. Not nearly enough for me to do to fulfill my Mom purpose.
Since Annie died, it's been even worse, because I lost my walking buddy. I walk with my hubby, but he's perfectly able to walk on his own without needing any help from me.
I work four days a week, I do most all of the mundane housekeeping chores and I do 90% of the flower gardening and zero percent of the vegetable gardening (I have to leave something for my hubby to do, right??)...oh, oh, I'm probably in trouble now ;-D
So, what have I been doing everyday that doesn't involve my job and homestead upkeep??
I have been taking pictures.
I have been taking LOTS of pictures.
I always have my phone with me, so I always gave a camera with me, and with Projectlife365 on Instagram, I take at least one new picture each day, (yeah, right, one a day hahahahahahahahaha)
and I am loving it...

Stop by the blogs of these lovelies and check out their days.

Amanda  Carla  Hanne  Heather  Rhonda  Jenn  Tracey  Rachel and Tracy