Tuesday, November 17, 2009


The Basement Window Guy came by yesterday with a couple helpers and put one of the egress windows in. I know what egress windows look like, but it was a surprise to see one in my basement. Wow, they sure do let in a lot of light.
Today they came back and did the second window. Now we can walk into that room (during the day at least) and not have to turn on the light. Yey!!
I'm thinking that the wandering, neighborhood cats will be sitting in the window wells, trying to pester our cats. Then our cats will feel the need to mark their territory and leave their scent all over the new walls and carpet, cuz you can bet your bottom dollar that they won't do any marking until it's all done.
Anyway, the windows are lovely!!

1 comment:

Kira Leigh said...

Well, that is just like a cat. Only annoying when it can be the most annoying possible.