Friday, January 27, 2012

Linked 52-Tired

This winter season has been very mild in Minnesota, seems like it's been very mild everywhere. Last year we had so much snow, there was no place to throw it. I would throw a shovel full and it would slide down the pile and I would have to shovel it up again and try to throw it higher. It really did feel like winter though, the kind of winter Minnesota is known for, the kind that us die hard Minnesotans live for. All that snow makes spring so exciting and refreshing and green.

This winter is getting old real fast. I'm tired of all the brown, I'm tired of waiting for the big storm, I'm tired of having to wait to get in my garden, I'm tired of waiting for green and buds and warm, and the smell of dirt and decaying leaves and fresh spring air. I'm tired of not getting the kind of exercise I need. If I can't get exercise by shoveling and snowshoeing, then I'd like to get it by digging and hoeing and planting.
Right now, this odd winter we're having, makes me tired!

Click on Linked 52 in the bar above to see what others have to share about Tired!


sara said...

i hear ya! it's the same way here too.
either let's get right into winter, or bring on the spring baby!
great take on tired!

Naomi said...

I'm a fellow Minnesotan too! Isn't this winter weird? And that was one of my thoughts yesterday...I'm so sick and tired of this winter...even if it's been a good one! Bring on spring! Lovely photo too!

Heather M. said...

isn't that the truth?! i feel the same way about this time of year - so tired of the yummy brown. blech!

Heidi said...

I love your take on the theme. Even the leopard in your header looks tired! And I agree - the weather needs to make up it's mind. Either be cold or let's move on. Luckily here in the desert there's still a little green here and there.

Andrea said...

I love your description of shoveling so much snow it just slides down the pile. I can't even imagine! But I bet it's gorgeous for awhile. :) I hear ya though. I'm tired of the rain...downpours some days. (Though today it is sunny!) I'm ready for spring and warmer days.

Anonymous said...

I love your thoughts. I can relate to what you're saying. Being tired... or the in between. Totally get that... although I'm loving our mild winter. It's nice not hearing my husband complain about shoveling. :P

penandview said...

I totally get it. I think that's why we are meant to live in seasons. We greet them with newness and just as grow tired of them, a new one is ushered in. :) Spring is coming!

Unknown said...

good interpretation on tired. We haven't gotten snow to speak of, so I say let's get on with spring!

stacey said...

Oh yes, being a fellow Minnesotan I can totally relate! Love the texture in your photo!

Amanda Kelley said...

As a fellow Minnesotan---I couldn't agree more. Since the last snow that (that stuck) seems like time is going a lot slower. I have seen enough winter. Great thoughts to go with this photos as well!