Friday, March 16, 2012

Linked 52 - Underneath...

I went scouting around my yard looking for examples of underneath. I really wanted to get a picture of Annie underneath one of the pine trees, doing what she does best...barkingatthesquirrels. But, of course, we were not able to coordinate our schedules. Ha! So I rooted around underneath the ground cover to see if anything was starting to come up yet. I guess I was a little surprised at how many plants were not showing any life yet, seeing as how we've had such warm weather. I guess they must know what's best for them, and it is only March 15th...we could still have snow next month, highly doubtful, but not impossible. I did find a few early risers...underneath the straw were some healthy looking strawberry plants.

Underneath some overhanging rocks, I found this groundcover getting an early start. It's quite hardy so I'm not going to worry about it.

Lastly, underneath another pine tree, along with tons of pinecones and tree branches, (complements of the many squirrels that inhabit our yard, and play in our trees) were a bunch of bark chips that had fallen from the trunk. They caught my eye because they remind me of pieces of slate.


Naomi said...

beautiful! Yay for spring! :)

Anonymous said...

These make me take a deep breath. Can't wait for spring!

Tracey said...

I love seeing spring life shooting up from underneath winter's ground. Seeing your photos reminded me to go out with my camera and capture it myself!

sara said...

yay for signs of spring :)

and i totally laughed at your comment about coordinating your schedules. :)

Heidi said...

What a great interpretation! And that bark does look like slate.

Jessica said...

I love strawberry plants poking through. It's one of the best beginnings of spring.

stacey said...

Oh that green makes me so happy! Hasn't our MN weather been AMAZING??????

Heather M. said...

yay for green under all that brown! i can't wait for some signs of spring to start showing up here.

Liza B. Gonzalez said...

...and here comes the new life. Spring is near!

Amanda Kelley said...

Love the colors! These days my favorite color is green! Loving this spring weather. Great shots.