Saturday, August 11, 2012

Linked 52 - Water


Doing a little catching up this week, work has been sooooo busy.

My hubby and I ate at Joe's Garage last night, then walked on over to the Walker Art Center and the Sculpture Garden What a cool place, lots of different sculptures and gardens to walk around, including the Giant Cherry (I always thought it was called the Cherry and the Spoon, but apparently I was wrong and I now know better).

Water shoots out the stem.

Check out what everyone else thought of Water...


ethiopifinn said...

I haven't seen the giant cherry sculpture shot from that angle before- I like the spray! We live so near, in SLP, and have not walked the sculpture garden in at least 10 years. That MUST changr:)

ethiopifinn said...

*change* (it is past my bedtime)