Wednesday, March 14, 2012


March 14 - something in my front yard

My dear sweet Annie Belle loves to bark at squirrels and where do squirrels hang out??? In trees, and that is where Annie hangs out, under any tree that happens to have a squirrel in it. She doesn't care if there happens to be a fence, or plants, or a birdbath, or decorative solar lights. She justs plows through anything in her way so she can

I have put these lights Back in the ground so many times I have lost count, and I am pretty dang sure I will continue to put them back. So, until the weekend, when I get to work in the yard, this is how they look.

Now, as for the squirrels...this is what they do to my grass...


Liza B. Gonzalez said...

Oh, those little rascals!

Kira Leigh said...

I miss home so much right now!