Friday, October 5, 2012

Linked 52 - Color...


First of all, please forgive me for being late, we lost power last night, I'm assuming because of the wind, then I had to work today, so, it's still Friday, it's just late Friday.

I posted a picture on Instagram a few weeks ago of a planter I saw at Home Depot that I thought would look nice on my dining room table,

and out of all the different color choices I had to choose from, I pick the one without any color, and
I Love it!
I got plants that require medium light, which my dining room gets, (I'm praying my cats won't chew on them) and it's just the perfect size for my table. I think it looks perfect.

Hmmm, not enough color for a prompt of Color?? Okay then, here you go...

These were all taken from a huge cemetery that I drive by on my way to work and church. I actually missed by a couple days the glowing color these trees turn. If you saw them, you would swear they would be glowing in the dark of night. It's hard to imagine these looking any more spectacular, but they can.
It turns out the day I took these was one of those days we Minnesotans brag about. The 70+ degree Autumn day, full of color, smell and a light breeze, simply gorgeous.

Check out what Color these ladies found...


Hanne said...

Love these colors janet! Wish I had such colors to look at in Italy where I live!!

Jean said...

I really wish we could have more of the "Indian Summer." Ugh. It's just so cold already. I'm not ready for it. Wait for November!!

And these colors are just gorgeous!!! I love the Autumn colors!

Heather M. said...

wow, such gorgeous photos!

Andrea said...

WOW! the colors of those leaves are just amazing! We don't get colors quite that glorious here in the NW. Beautiful!

tracy said...

White is my favorite color ;) Love all the beautiful fall colors too.